We have collected in the material clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry, the wearing of which should be minimized in order to maintain your health.
Often the most fashionable and popular items of women’s wardrobe are also the most dangerous. We rarely think about the influence of clothes or jewelry on our skin or posture, although this is exactly what we should think about while shopping. But we understand you perfectly: when you see a beautiful accessory or a trendy dress, you cannot resist them. Therefore, we have specially prepared an article where we have collected all the harmful items of clothing that, if not avoided, then at least worn less often.
Clothes and shoes dangerous to women’s health: top 9 rating

The leg becomes slimmer and taller, but is it worth it to ruin your back? Yes, shoes with high thin heels have long been a symbol of femininity and sexuality, but we are here to destroy these stereotypes and tell the truth. In fact, such shoes greatly affect the back: serious strain on the shoulders, neck and lower back leads to curvature of the spine, which is definitely not worth joking about. Therefore, wear such heels rarely and preferably change them to kitten heels.

Kim Kardashian has made shapewear so famous that we simply haven’t had time to think about its benefits or harm. Here’s another reminder for you — carefully study bloggers’ ads or marketing offers before you take the bait and buy the same thing. Shapewear has become a trend, especially for plus-size women: it tightens the hips and hides the stomach, visually creating a waist. However, due to the strong tightening effect, it makes breathing difficult and also affects the lower back, which can provoke a fainting spell or numbness. If you rarely wear shapewear, then you have nothing to fear.
Cheap costume jewelry

Have you noticed how rings or earrings you buy start to turn black? This is the main sign of cheap jewelry that should be avoided in your collection, except for those bought for an event or a trip. Back in 2015, Swedish scientists checked jewelry in local stores and concluded that all of it contains toxic substances: lead, cadmium, nickel – they linger in the human body for a long time. In critical cases, women’s kidneys and nervous system are affected, and the skeletal system is destroyed.
Skinny jeans

Let’s put aside the inconstancy of these jeans in the fashion world and talk about health. It turns out that skinny jeans can be dangerous. The thing is that thick denim deprives our skin of “breathing”, and it needs oxygen. Therefore, too tight options should be avoided in the wardrobe – instead, give preference to mom jeans, a loose style, slightly tapered at the bottom.

Women’s health is a fickle thing: it is affected by our immunity, weather conditions, sexual intercourse, and even underwear. Thus, gynecologists have long recommended that women stop wearing thongs – panties with a thin strip at the back. Since the strip moves while walking or running, it can transfer bacteria and cause skin irritation.
Mini skirts

And it was not for nothing that our mothers at school scolded us for wearing miniskirts in winter: beauty is beauty, but health is more important – we realized this with age. Short skirts are undoubtedly a classic item in our wardrobe, which has a place to be. But in cold weather, you should still give them up, since the most tender parts of our body will seek warmth on their own and build up a fat layer in the hips. Therefore, for winter, choose woolen skirts below the knee.
Shoes are not the right size

You may not pay attention to uncomfortable shoes, but we strongly recommend monitoring the size of your feet – it can easily grow after 20 years, personally verified. If you feel that all shoes seem tight and uncomfortable, bones are compressed, toes “huddle”, then you need to change pairs to wider and looser ones, otherwise you risk getting deformation of nails and toes.
Push-up bra

We are only talking about regular wearing of a push-up bra. Such a bra looks attractive, but it is dangerous for your health, as constant tension of the mammary glands can cause a cyst or mastopathy. Doctors recommend wearing a push-up no more than once a week and no longer than six hours a day. You should also make sure that the shape of the cup is perfectly matched to your breasts, in order to avoid excessive compression.
XL and XXL bags

While fashion brands set trends for large bags, doctors are indignant. The thing is that we load such capacious accessories with everything we have in our apartment. A laptop, a diary, a cosmetic bag, a bottle of water, dozens of chargers, a book, a camera and a container with lunch go into the bag, which creates a decent load on our shoulders. Therefore, it is recommended to wear small accessories, the space in which will be limited.