Good morning! Have you ever wondered how this traditional phrase compares to your real life? But everyone is quite capable of making their morning truly kind and optimistic! Right now I will tell you about what yoga is useful in the morning, what it should consist of and how to tune in to an early rise.
You just need to know a little theory and set aside at least 15 minutes a day for practice to notice the first results. And I’m not exaggerating, friends! What are the benefits of morning yoga?
Doing yoga right after waking up is very productive. During this period, the systems of the body, including the brain, have not yet been fully launched, and our movements are more likely to be performed in the “automatic” mode. Morning exercises help both you and your body wake up. The work of all life support systems, especially the digestive organs, is started.

And this, firstly, makes you have a healthy appetite, which can be so difficult to turn on in the morning, and, secondly, it helps to cleanse the stomach before leaving the house.
The energy accumulated during the lunar time of the day is evenly distributed across all energy channels due to the fact that you greet the Sun every day with a special set of exercises (in yoga – asanas) called Surya Namaskar. For beginners, sometimes it is enough to do at least it in the morning to invigorate and fill with positive sun influence for the whole day.

Probably the most important thing for the inhabitants of the urban world is the ability to withstand stress and not take the unpleasant events of the day to heart. It is the practice of proper breathing, which is an integral part of any direction of yoga, that helps to calm your nerves.
You have probably heard such a phrase as “Calm down, breathe deeper” and, like everything in this world, it is not accidental. Deep, even breathing, where the exhalation is longer than the inhalation, helps to normalize the blood circulation in the brain. Thus, thought processes are slowed down and pseudo-important trifles and trifles cease to bother you.

At the same time, you should not think that you are starting to think badly. No, it’s exactly the opposite! Consistent yoga practice in the morning increases concentration expands memory reserves and develops mental flexibility. Therefore, after the start of a healthy life, many people note the emerging successes in work and study.
Well, and, of course, yoga classes give our body strength and attractiveness, joints – flexibility, muscles – elasticity, and the face – a fresh appearance. As a method for losing weight, it is appropriate to use it only in combination with proper nutrition and getting rid of bad habits.
What exercises to include in the complex?
I’ll start right away with the fact that for beginners it is more important not the time or the number of exercises done, but the correctness of their implementation. Think for yourself, if you will stand in the asanas incorrectly for an hour in the sweat of your brow, will they be of any use? Hardly. That is why I advise at least for the first time to go to classes with experienced instructors in order to understand the essence of each asana.
So, for example, to the residents of St. Petersburg, I propose to visit the yoga studio “Indigo”, where I will introduce you to the basics of hatha yoga and adjust each pose to the capabilities of your body. Another good option would be to train daily using the training schemes I have developed especially for you. You can get acquainted with a trial lesson here.
After the work is done, you can confidently move on to self-study at home, or continue to master new levels of perfection under my supervision.
Nevertheless, I will briefly list in what sequence the yoga class in the morning should take place:
- Warm-up. To avoid injury, all parts of the body must be kneaded. The yoga warm-up is very similar to the gymnastic warm-up that we have known from school. The difference is that in asanas the movements are smooth, jerks are avoided. The position is standing.
- Asanas for balance. Here you can just include the previously mentioned Surya Namaskar, as well as supplement with the pose of a tree, a pose of a warrior, a pose of a swallow, a pose of a frog, etc. Position – standing or sitting.
- Asanas for flexibility. These include up and down dog, cat, snake, etc. Position – standing or sitting.
- Asana for relaxation. Since in the classic dead man’s pose there is a temptation to fall asleep for another couple of hours and sleep for work, I recommend at the end of the practice either use dynamic Shavasana, in which tension alternates with relaxation, or replace it with the baby pose. It is imperative to relax all muscle groups at the end of the session, otherwise, the effect will be defective.
If you have a limited amount of time in the morning hours, then it is enough to take one exercise from each item to mark the positive changes in your life.
How do you make it a habit?
I know of a number of ways that can help you wake up early in the morning, turning your morning yoga class into a healthy daily habit:
For a while, force yourself to get out of bed at all costs. For inspiration, you need to remind yourself that over time, the practice will build into your routine like brushing your teeth or having breakfast, so it won’t be difficult for you to wake up early.
- Do not eat before bed. The difficulty of lifting is directly proportional to the amount of food eaten at night.
- Since the sense of smell has the best memory effect, use your favorite invigorating oils or incense (for example, lemon, ginger, spruce) during the practice. On days when it is difficult to wake up, turn on your favorite scent and the association of the scent with yoga will lift you up.
- Practice in a yoga studio. The knowledge of the amount of money paid will be an incentive to stand up. Many lazy people discipline themselves in this way.
Well, I hope my advice helped you decide on active action, and 10 minutes of pleasure a day will be just the beginning of a global immersion in yoga. Don’t be greedy and share useful recommendations with your friends using the corresponding button. Goodbye to new productive meetings!
Morning yoga is extremely beneficial

If you feel like you don’t have time to practice yoga regularly because of your daily chores and responsibilities, then this is just an excuse! Daily exercises in the morning take no more than 15 minutes, while practice does not require special equipment or special preparation.
To be strong, energetic, and young, you just have to get up 20 minutes earlier every day and do a yoga workout, then take a shower, and a great mood for the whole day is guaranteed.
Thanks to yoga, practitioners realize their own body in a new way – yoga exercises strengthen, give clarity of perception and a sense of harmony. There are seven types of movement used in yoga: stretching, bending, hyper-stretching, attraction, repulsion, rotation, and rotation. The art of healing through yogic practice begins at the moment of competent fusion of correct breathing and the implementation of all these elements.
Correct yoga breathing
An important factor in yoga is proper breathing. The fact that correct breathing has healing powers is known not only in the East. In Western countries, special breathing exercises are prescribed, for example, for people with heart disease. Almost none of us fully uses our respiratory organs. The reason for this is limited movement and a sedentary lifestyle.
Many people believe that it is simply impossible to change the habitual rhythm of life and the way of breathing because we do not think how we breathe. However, conscious training reprograms the automatism of the respiratory mechanism.
Yogic pranayamas completely fill all parts of the lungs with oxygen. The technique is simple: while inhaling air, first fill the lower lungs, while the stomach should rise. Then oxygenate the entire chest. As you exhale, first release the air from the abdomen, and then from the middle and upper chest. At first, it may seem like the breathing cycle is divided into four stages, but try to breathe continuously and smoothly.
Preparing for morning practice
In addition to strengthening and stimulating all body systems, yoga also has an excellent relaxing effect: thanks to the alternation of tension and stretching, muscles and joints are relieved without overstraining. In addition, morning yoga exercises have a rejuvenating effect, thanks to a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. They run and sync all day.
Yoga is not only breathing and asana complex. It is a philosophy and lifestyle designed for purification and harmony. So drink a glass of warm water with ginger and lemon juice before charging. This will start the stomach and help the whole body wake up, better than any coffee.
During home workouts, remember the basic principle of yoga: you need to know and not ignore the limitations of your body. When any pose is difficult, do not try to do it by all means.
Therefore, it is advisable to supplement the daily fifteen-minute workout at home with training in a group with a specialist at least once a week. A qualified technician will correct mistakes and form individual restrictions. Professional advice is also indispensable in the case of injuries or chronic illnesses.