If you are embarrassed by the “imperfections” of your body, compare yourself to your friends (not to your advantage) and constantly torture your body with strict diets and grueling workouts in pursuit of the “perfect figure” – this article is for you.
People tend not only to underestimate their personal abilities, but also to criticize their own appearance. Most often, this “skill” is practiced by women who can spend hours in front of the mirror studying non-existent imperfections and sigh heavily: “Oh, if only I had Kendall Jenner’s legs, Angelina Jolie’s face and Kim Kardashian’s curves! Then not only would all men be at my feet, but things would immediately improve at work, I wouldn’t have to wait in line at the checkout in stores, and the neighbors on the bench and the children in the yard would look at me with admiration…”
However, many representatives of the fair sex are too critical of their appearance. The desire to look like show business stars or popular actresses obscures the truth. In fact, there are 7 non-obvious signs that your appearance is beyond praise. Stop comparing yourself to others and read our advice carefully!
Health is an A+
Well, or at least a solid B. In the age of Photoshop and social media filters, not everyone notices the obvious: a healthy person is a beautiful person. When everything is in order with your internal organs, your body works properly, like a reliable Swiss watch, then your skin is toned, your hair shines, and your nails are strong. All this allows you to look young, and therefore beautiful. And, on the contrary, acne, dull complexion, puffiness under the eyes, thinning hair – all this does not add chic to your appearance. So make it a rule to undergo regular examinations and take care of your priceless health.
Flying gait, correct posture

The first does not exist without the second, but both are important for a beautiful body. You can have all the abs, but if your spine has the wrong curves, then… Alas, all the charm of your toned body will quickly disappear as soon as you stand up and walk. A shuffling gait, a wheel-like back, sloping shoulders one lower than the other have never made anyone beautiful. You can talk as much as you like about a rich inner world and great mind. But if you do not watch your spine, then you will most likely be called a stupid person. After all, the functioning of the body as a whole depends on posture.
Proportions and parameters
Unfortunately, weight does matter. However, not by itself in a spherical vacuum, but in relation to height. The same weight, say, 80 kilograms, looks completely different at a height of 165 cm and 182 cm. By the way, 90-60-90 is an outdated model of ideal proportions. According to one version, these parameters belong to Marilyn Monroe, according to another – to Claudia Schiffer. However, the height of the first is 166 cm, and the height of the famous top model is 181 cm. The numbers are the same, but the girls do not look the same. Monroe’s figure amazes with appetizing curves, and Schiffer’s – with long legs. So the ratios of the girth of the chest, waist and hips are also tied to height and weight.
In general, there is no point in chasing ideals, everything is very, very individual. Your tall friend can easily fit into these proportions of the past, but for you, completely different numbers will be ideal. Especially if you are slightly taller or significantly shorter. In addition, the body mass index is now in use, which is easy to calculate in online calculators. If it corresponds to the norm, then your body is beautiful – period.
Symmetrical halves
Scientists have long proven that if a person’s body and face are maximally symmetrical, then those around them perceive them as beautiful. To understand how symmetrical you are, ask a friend to take a photo of your face from the front, divide the photo in half and make two “identikit pictures”. Take an image of only the right side of your face, make a copy and mirror it. Now combine the resulting halves into one photo. Do the same with the left side of your face. If the people in the two photos are completely different, then you have asymmetry. And the fewer differences in these photos, the closer you are to the symmetrical ideal.

However, do not be upset if you find a “skew” in your face. This can become your highlight. It is much worse if you have an asymmetrical body due to poor posture (see point 2). Unfortunately, this is fraught with both beauty and health.
Skin care
When they say that a woman is well-groomed and beautiful, they mainly mean the condition of her skin. Especially on her hands, face and neck. Indeed, elastic, toned skin, not distorted by deep wrinkles and pimples, visually takes 5-10 years off. And a young woman is very often synonymous with beauty. So do not skimp on skin care, and not only on your face, but on your whole body. Let creams, masks, peels, and high-class cosmetologists become your loyal friends. After all, after 30 years, you have the face and body that you have developed yourself.
However, you shouldn’t get carried away with skin care either. Each age, skin type and season has its own products and procedures. Otherwise, you simply risk ruining your appearance. Of course, you can always win back some moments thanks to the developed beauty sphere. But is it worth spending extra money to correct something that might not have happened?
Bright eyes
Yes, you heard right! The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also a sign of youth. The dark rim around the iris, the so-called limbal ring, can signal the onset of… old age! As soon as this ring becomes dull, narrows and loses its brightness, you can sign up as a grandmother. The longer the rim remains saturated, bright and wide, the more your eyes shine and the younger you look. And youth is also about beauty. And another note: many men pay attention to the whites of the eyes. Light whites, without a lot of blood vessels, are associated with health. Therefore, you need to take care of your eyes: wear sunglasses, get enough sleep, do not overexert yourself by constantly sitting on the phone and at the computer.

Compliments from others
Surprisingly, but true: many women who consider themselves not very beautiful have received and receive compliments. Moreover, both from men and from other ladies. Do not neglect this sign of attention, it clearly says that your body and face are beautiful. Otherwise, how would they charm your interlocutors? And if you are constantly given 10-15 years younger than your passport age, then you can safely enroll in the circle of never-aging “witches”.
And youth… As you already understood, it is in your hands!