Dr. Mayer’s weight loss method is recognized as not only effective, but also useful. We find out how to listen to your body, when it’s time to cleanse it, and what the magic power of the three “O”s is.
Franz Xaver Mayer is a famous Austrian doctor who worked in leading European sanatoriums in the middle of the last century. Initially, he treated only the digestive system. But Mayer’s method is known to everyone as a comprehensive approach to the body’s condition. This is the conclusion the doctor came to after long studies and observations of patients: the body is a system capable of natural restoration and purification, self-regulation and healing. You just need to know how to control this mechanism.

The basis of Mayer’s program is a holistic (integral) approach to a person, where the main regulator of health is the intestine. The connection between digestive problems and excess weight was obvious: the absorption of vitamins, cleansing from toxins, and production of hormones depend on the intestine. Disruption of the digestive tract led to various diseases and contributed to the intoxication of the body. Thanks to these findings, Dr. Mayer developed his method, which differs from other harsh diets in that the integrated approach works, first of all, as a detox for the body: cleanses, accelerates metabolism and restores balance.

This is how the three “O” rule came about:
- Rest – refusal of heavy and fatty foods. Before the Mayr course, the patient undergoes a full body diagnostics to find out whether the Austrian doctor’s method is suitable for him. After identifying contraindications and setting acceptable norms, the patient switches to a gentle diet: gives the intestines a chance to reboot and rest;
- Cleansing is the removal of waste, toxins, acids and other harmful substances from the body. For cleansing, a special unloading diet is used with herbal teas, saline solutions and plenty of mineral water. In addition to nutritional restrictions, the patient may be prescribed physiotherapy procedures and massages.
- Training is one of the most important and longest stages – the beginning of the formation of long-term healthy habits and the transition to the final, correct nutrition plan. Dietary nutrition is aimed at improving health and mood, increasing strength, getting rid of diseases and ailments, including chronic ones. The training stage tells about the culture of food, because we can poison our body not only with what we eat, but also how we eat.
Therefore, there are several main principles of the Mayer method, which will not only allow you to lose weight, but, first of all, will rebuild the body and restart the work of the stomach and intestines.

Drink plenty of water, but not during meals.
Almost all nutritionists and doctors have come to the same conclusion: a glass of warm water on an empty stomach is a great way to start the day. The standard 1.5-2 liters of water can be spread out over the day, you can make an approximate schedule or listen to your body. Water is truly the most important component of our body. You can add a slice of lemon or a mint leaf to the water – such lemonades will be easier and tastier to drink, but do not forget that juices, teas and coffee do not count. Dr. Mayer advised limiting water consumption before (30 minutes) and after meals (within 1.5 hours), such small restrictions will not harm your digestion.
Avoid snacking
You can eat two or three times a day, depending on your needs. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are sufficient meals according to the Mayer method, so the doctor advised to give up snacks and opt for full, but less frequent meals. Naturally, this rule does not apply to people who follow a diet with five meals a day due to medical indications.

Chew your food thoroughly
This is one of the main conditions of the Mayer method. Ideally, you need to make at least 30 chewing movements before swallowing a piece. Therefore, if you cannot visually determine the time of your meal, do not hesitate to count each bite: this will make eating more conscious, will allocate time for pleasure and will facilitate further digestion of food in the stomach and intestines.
Avoid eating high fiber foods before bed.
Fiber is undoubtedly good for the body, but Dr. Mayer advised to consume it in the morning or during the day (enzyme activity in the evening and at night is much lower). Therefore, it is better to add everyone’s favorite fruits and berries to porridge for breakfast, and add vegetables to the lunch side dish, again listening to the desires of the body.

Meals should be taken in a measured and unhurried manner.
Don’t treat food only as a source of energy, without which you can’t go to a sport. Don’t spare an extra 15 minutes and spend them on breakfast or dinner. Don’t get distracted by watching a movie or an interview, don’t reply to a message, and don’t think that your work process will stop if you devote a little more than 5 minutes to your meal. You will get tremendous pleasure from a measured meal, feel calm, enjoy fresh products, and most importantly, you will understand when you feel full. After all, if we eat in a hurry, the body will be distracted from the process of digestion and will not pay due attention to the work of the intestines. Dr. Mayer was categorically against eating on the go: if you are limited in time, it is better to drink a glass of water and postpone eating for a while.
If you are tired, give your digestion a rest too.
Remember that the body is a huge interconnected system. If you feel tired and can no longer perform physical exercises, do not try to “recharge” your body with food. Physical fatigue is also directly related to the digestive system, so before loading the body with more work – rest and wait with food.

Don’t eat unless you feel hungry.
People are hostages of their habits. If you have trained yourself to have breakfast at 9 a.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., then you will most likely stick to this routine. Dr. Mayer was a supporter of eating at will, not on a schedule. No matter how you plan your day and allocate a specific time for meals, ask yourself again: do I want to eat now? If yes, then, of course, no one will limit you, but if not, do not panic. Sometimes the body pays attention to more important and necessary processes than digestion. As soon as the body needs food, you will hear this signal. After all, the ability to listen to the body is the main rule of the Mayer method.